Difference between revisions of "Gap feedbacks"

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((1) Bugs/Features that need to be checked)
((1) Bugs/Features that need to be checked)
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+ There has to be a check on layers being uploaded publicly - an email needs to be sent to the Administrator. (JAKOB)
+ There has to be a check on layers being uploaded publicly - an email needs to be sent to the Administrator. (JAKOB)
   ''<span style="color:#0000ff"> Added this function to the GAP. Admin is notified after a layer is publicly shared.  </span>''
   ''<span style="color:#0000ff"> Added this function to the GAP. Admin (till we get GAPadmin user ready mail goes to  Annette, Manouchehr and Joel ) is notified after a layer is publicly shared.  </span>''
+ The Google Earth Base Map has a limit in the north and south - if you zoom in you can not look at northern Scandinavia for example, all of Siberia, and northern Canada gone too [http://test-gap.eawag.ch/GAP.Geopedia/images/0/01/Screen_Shot_2015-05-06_at_11.17.24.png] (JAKOB)
+ The Google Earth Base Map has a limit in the north and south - if you zoom in you can not look at northern Scandinavia for example, all of Siberia, and northern Canada gone too [http://test-gap.eawag.ch/GAP.Geopedia/images/0/01/Screen_Shot_2015-05-06_at_11.17.24.png] (JAKOB)

Revision as of 20:44, 23 January 2025

(1) Bugs/Features that need to be checked

+ The working server needs to be figured out at EAWAG and an administrator appointed.

+ Editing point symbology based on filters does not work if 'Apply' is clicked straight away. They do not change after closing the symbology tab, the lines with edited symbology disappear. (JAKOB)

 We have to look at this together, i cant reproduce it. I tried FF and Chrome. 

+ To share with a user I always have to know the first three letters of his/her email adress to find the correct one. This should be better searchable (Name, parts of email adress, etc). (JAKOB)

 We have discussed few times this in the GAP meetings. @Annette: please move this to nice to have features and provide detail explanation about how it should work

+ There has to be a check on layers being uploaded publicly - an email needs to be sent to the Administrator. (JAKOB)

   Added this function to the GAP. Admin (till we get GAPadmin user ready mail goes to  Annette, Manouchehr and Joel ) is notified after a layer is publicly shared.  

+ The Google Earth Base Map has a limit in the north and south - if you zoom in you can not look at northern Scandinavia for example, all of Siberia, and northern Canada gone too [1] (JAKOB)


+ The Percent values in this plot for example are obviously wrong (>100). Could you check that? This is the Mekong Dataset [2] (JAKOB)


+ The values of this part of the dataset (sra) are not displayed. Could you check that? This is the Mekong Dataset. [3] (JAKOB)

   Fixed. If the selected variable is categorical(any variable of type string) and has more than 15 categories,  only 15 categories with highest values are displayed.    

+ In the documentation / GAP Help, please add the functionality to allow <math>-tags to be interpreted (for use in writing mathematical formulas). (JOEL)

+ When I open the table I shared I have added arsenics there previously but it does not show. I have to retry it a couple of times and then it somehow works. This issue I don’t quite understand yet, it seems to be limited to community layers. (JAKOB)

+ When the model is very fast, it shows a message it completed it in some milliseconds. I think one could just write ‘~1 second’. Also when you add 50 layers to a modeling table, it writes 50 times in a row 'The layer was succsefully uploaded' in the small window on the bottom left. It should only show that once per Upload. (JAKOB)

+ There needs to be a rigurous check of the site on all Browsers at one point (Chrome, Firefox, IExplorer, Safari). This should also be something we should ask testers, to specify their Browser. On the long run, we should also keep in mind compatibility on Tablets, this is actually something the guy from SDC asked me last time ... (JAKOB)

+ All Links on the main page need to be redirected to the main Help page (JAKOB).

+ In the printed Map, there is now the 'Map Data(c)2015 Google' printed all over the place (see here for example: [[4]]. This makes the maps rather unusable for a nice report. (JAKOB)

+ The Sending a message to Community does not seem to work anymore [5]. Also when it still worked and messages showed up, the message was not sent to the group's emails. (Jakob)

+ When I delete my account there should be a window that asks 'Are you sure you want to delete your account? Yes/No' (JAKOB)

+ Manage your account: change mouseover to "Manage Account". Change top headline of page from "Manage." to "Manage Account" (JOEL)

+ Print: change title of window from "Print..." to "Print" (JOEL)

+ Print: change field name from "Map Title" to "Map title" (JOEL)

+ Maps > Toolbar: mouseovers need to be updated to match the current names of the windows/pages that they open - 'Layers', 'My Layers', 'Statistical Analysis', 'Communities', 'Manage Account', 'Print' (JOEL)

+ Main page: change "Login" to "Log in". Although the former is technically correct, the latter is more clearly a verb and is consistent with the label of the opposite function, "Log off". (JOEL)

+ Register: I would prefer to see "Register." changed to "Register" and "Create a new account." to "Create a new account". Both of these strings should also be left-aligned. (JOEL)

+ My Layers: rename button from 'Add' to 'Upload'. "Add" can be interpreted to mean "add layer already in list to map", which is of course not the case. (JOEL)

+ My Layers > Add (Upload): rename window from "Upload your data" to "Upload Data". (JOEL)

+ My Layers > Add (Upload): change the names of all file types to the singular: "point", "Coverage", "raster". (JOEL)

+ Communities: rename button from 'Details' to 'Info', which more closely matches the name of the window that is opened. "Information" is probably still the best term to use, since this is more general than "details" and probably applies better to the user information and messages contained in this window. (JOEL)

+ Communities > Details (Info): rename column from "Is admin" to "Admin". (JOEL)

+ The order of layers is generally (like in ArcGis) that the top one in the list is the visible one and overlays all others below. On GAP it is the other way round, I find that counterintuitive (see in screenshot here, where 'final' is the model result and 'mekonggis' are the points: [6]). This should be changed. (JAKOB)

+ When I provide symbology for different rules, I can not shoft these lines 'up' or 'down'. This then reflects in the legend as well. If I have the highest value in the first line, the lowest in the second and the one in the middle in the last, the legend will be all over the place. It should be possible to move these lines around like the layers [7] (JAKOB)

+ When I delete layers in 'My Layers' and then go to 'Statistical modeling', those layers are still there. However when I want to access them it throws an error message. They should not be visible anymore after I have deleted them from my layers. (JAKOB)

+ My Layers > Raster Symbology: I feel like there does not need to be a confirmation dialog box when changing the color scale type. This seems easy enough to switch back and forth, and having to click 'Yes' on an additional dialog seems a little tedious. (JOEL)

+ My Layers > Point Symbology: How about changing the button name from "Graphic" to "Symbol"? I realize that this is very close to "symbology", but "symbol" is the best way that I would describe what is being modified when clicking on 'Graphic'. (JOEL)

+ My Layers: Rename "Visualize" to "Display". "Visualize" is not entirely incorrect, but it is typically used in the context of imagining something in your head. "Display", on the other hand, is more appropriate for a computing environment. (JOEL)

+ My Layers > Point Symbology > Symbology Filter: Adding a second filter does not get saved upon clicking 'Accept'. It appears okay when adding a new line/filter, but this is missing upon reopening the symbol with 'Filter'. (JOEL)

(2) Nice to have

+ The site needs a proper Stats Counter (country, time on site, clicks on site, which sites accessed etc.). (JAKOB).

+ In the long run it would be idea to have a more customizable map (possibly choosing where the legend is placed, how titles are written etc.). (JAKOB).

+ In 'My Layers' it has to be possible to edit the name of a layer without having to upload it again. (JAKOB).

+ When registering it should be possible to provide one's name (JAKOB).

+ When applying a model there should be an option to upload your own extent for the model (as for eample a shp file) so the model output will be limited exactly to this area. (JAKOB)

+ When I click on 'Register' it takes me to the Log In Page. There should be a page that informs about the 'confirmation email' however and only after I confirm is it possible to Log In (JAKOB)

+ If I want to remove multiple layers I have to remove each layer separately. This is quite tedious. It would be more convenient to be able to select multiple layers and remove them all at once. (JAKOB)

+ Statistical Analysis > Modelling > Preprocessing > Edit: ‘Select column’ dropdown should retain the last expansion state of folders used (so that you don’t have to again click through the directory tree to get where you last were). (JOEL)

+ A solution (forum type) will need to be found for users to comment on data quality directly at a dataset. (JAKOB).

(3) Feedback on HELP Page

+ the plots still need to be formatted properly, the way they look now they can not be used (see issues above as well) (JAKOB).

+ sample plots should have reasonable data plotted, not just some strangely named dummy data, would not look professional (JAKOB).

+ for the more complex steps how-to-videos are suggested, those will be made when the site does not change anymore, otherwise they have to be redone continuously (JAKOB)

+ Revise the section on Symbology as at the moment it is executed in a very basic fashion. (JAKOB)