Case studies and applications
From GapWiki
NOTE: Article from the Geogenic Contamination Handbook
The concepts described in Geogenic Contamination Handbook were developed and tested in two major case studies: one on arsenic contamination in Bangladesh and one on fluoride contamination in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. This section contains both major case studies and further applications.
References, Subchapters and Handbook chapter
- For references, please visit the page References - Geogenic Contamination Handbook.
- Subchapters on GAP Wiki:Implementation of defluoridation filters in Ethiopia, Assessing stakeholder preferences in Bangladesh, Multi-criteria decision analysis to evaluate fluoride-removal options in EthiopiaEvaluating fluoride intake via food and water using a Material Flow Analysis
- Geogenic Contamination Handbook: Please find here the PDF of the complete handbook chapter "Case studies and applications".